
Say goodbye to ingrown hairs, razor bumps & burn!

Waxing removes the hair from the root, preventing growth for 1-2 weeks and growing back fine & sparse after that.

Beach Haven exclusively uses Hard Wax (no skin-lifting paper strips!) the most gentle form of wax that doesn't irritate the skin like strip wax.

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How to Prepare for Waxing

Grow your hair out! This is the hardest part, we promise. Grow out for at least 2 weeks, but the more, the better (it can never be too long)!

2-24 hours before your appointment take a shower & gently exfoliate the area with a washcloth, loofah or sugar scrub. This will remove the dead skin and bring out any stuck hairs so we can remove them all!

Is it that time of the month? Don't sweat it, just arrive cleaned up with a fresh tampon or cup in.

How to Care for your Skin after Waxing

After your hair removal session, it’s normal for the skin to be a little irritated. Redness and bumps are normal and should subside within 48 hours (usually within a couple hours). This will get better with each session.

If you’re feeling particularly sensitive, we recommend applying Aloe to the area (or try our Hydration Mask after your service for a nice cooling, soothing treatment)!

For the first 24 hours after your hair removal session, please avoid:
- Sun exposure
- Exfoliation
- Intimate contact
- Creams, deodorants, other products
- Hot tubs

Frequently Asked Questions


Wax is applied in the direction of hair growth, left for a moment to harden, and removed without the use of any paper or strips. Sugar is applied by a (gloved) hand to the hair and flicked off to remove hair. Both services remove hair from the root, giving the same (or very similar) results of preventing hair growth for up to a week and growing back sparse. Try both and pick your favorite!

which is better for sensitive skin, waxing or sugaring?

This answer depends on the place and type of products they use. At Beach Haven, both our wax AND sugar are suitable for sensitive skin. Since we use Hard Wax, it doesn't attach to the first layer of skin (like most other waxes do) and we have many sensitive clients receive it. However, with Sugar only containing 3 ingredients: Sugar, lemon juice, and water, our ultra-sensitive clients tend to pick sugaring.

do you wax males and females?

For men, we offer eyebrow, neck, underarms, chest, back, arm and leg waxing/sugaring. For females, we offer all of those services plus bikini, brazilian, and butt hair removal.

Is there a price difference for waxing and sugaring?

We are passionate about you picking the services that is right for you, so there is no price difference according to the method of hair removal that you choose.

How long do results last?

Neurotoxin typically kicks in within 2-14 days, and lasts about 3-6 months. Dermal filler can last 6 months to 1 year.

how long does my hair need to be for waxing & sugaring?

At the bare minimum, you must wait at least 2 weeks after shaving to get any hair removal service. We highly recommend 3-4+ weeks for the best results!
Has it been a while? No worries! We will trim if needed, but this is rare. Please do not trim at home before coming in, as you may trim too short.

How long will my hair removal appointment take?

All services except those listed below are booked out for 20 minutes. This allows 5 minutes for dressing/undressing and 15 minutes to complete the service**. We specialize in speed hair removal to get you in and out quickly.

Full legs, Full Arms, Chest, & Back are booked out for 40 minutes.

**This is also why we have a strict 5 minute late rule. We are unable to accommodate you if you are more than 5 minutes late due to the short time appointments are booked for.

I love my results! When should I return?

About 3-4 weeks after your service your hair is ready to be removed again. There will be significantly less hair, making the appointment easier and faster than the first. Keeping up on your hair removal every 3-6 weeks is highly recommended to keep the hair sparse (check out our membership to save on your monthly visits!).

Ready to go hair-free?

Book your appointment today!

Looking for pricing info? The most up to date list of services & pricing is located on our booking site. Click the "Book Now" link to see the menu (& quickly book!) all in one!

We can't wait to welcome you at the spa soon!

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